Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Walmart Surprise.

Yesterday was just a normal day and I was running some earrands with my mom. I wasn't feeling very well so I stayed in the car but soon felt like I needed to walk around. I got out of the car and made my way into walmart to find my mom and see what she was up to. When we were done shopping I got two facebook notices on my phone that I ignored until we had bagged our groceries and were walking away. When I looked at them it said that a girl in England that Anthony is teaching tagged some photo's of me! I was really confused and first thought, "How could she have pictures of me?" Then I froze in the middle of walmart as the realization hit me like a wave of water. These weren't pictures of me....they were pictures of Anthony. I hesitated making the internet connection on my phone while the pictures loaded and the butterflies in my stomach grew more and more restless trying to find some peace. When the picture loaded I was looking right at the face of the man I have been without for over a year; the man I love with all of my heart. My mom wanted to know what was wrong...with a smile on my face I said, "it's Anthony!" It wasn't until I handed the phone over that without warning I just started to cry...right in the middle of walmart. haha :) I know some people were wondering what was wrong with me, but little did they know, the girl crying in the middle of walmart had just seen the face of her Missionary :) I was so happy to see him and I felt like the hole in my heart that came from missing him so much had stitched heart was full and I feel so blessed that she sent those pictures to me :) Here is the picture that came up on my phone and made me fall in love with him even more-

Elder Anthony Humphries has one of the most kind and loving hearts I have ever known :) Last week he sent me an email in the middle of the week just to tell me he loved me...Every time I think of him or see him I feel like the luckiest girl in the world, and I feel so blessed to have found my prince :) Besides, how could anyone resist that handsome face! <3


  1. Ya know, I Used to think that true love didn't exist in high school. And I used to think waiting for a missionary was just a waste- for both people. I am obviously. I just admire your maturity and strength and testimony. I know that heavenly father will bless both of you with a love beyond words. Oh, how joyous the occasion when he comes home! Excited for you!

    1. I didn't think True love existed in Highschool either, period. In fact, I was dead set on Waiting to date until college because I had been so hurt by other guys in the past that I had about a million different walls against guys built up around myself. That all ended the day I met Anthony :) I had heard many stories about girls waiting for missionaries that had worked and many that had not worked. I was at first very hesitant and so was Anthony..But it felt so right to us. We had a really hard time before his mission trying to figure things out and he left with me not waiting for him anymore. I decided I wasn't going to but in reality I was just scared of the whole concept. The morning he left, that decision felt so wrong that it made me sick and I knew that waiting for him was what I was supposed to do because we were supposed to be together :) Its really hard to explain, but by Christmas last year we had both gotten our answers and knew without a doubt that as long as we stayed close to heavenly father everything would work out because we knew he was preparing us for our future together :) Everyone finds their eternal companion at different times, different places, and in different circumstances...mine just happened to be my sophtmore year in Highschool hahah :) What is meant to happen will happen and it will always happen in God's time. Thank you so much for supporting Anthony and I and for helping me along this journey!:) I am so excited, and it helps to have true friends like you to walk with me along the way.

  2. Oh, and I was looking at my stats and I found out that your blog is bringing readers to mine! So thanks! Ha ha.

    Oh, and PS : How do You make it so there is a "reply" button in the comments? Do you know? Thanks!
