Thursday, November 8, 2012

Why do I run??

A lot of people ask me, "why? Why do you run?" I know I'm not going to get the normal reaction when I say I run 4 miles every day, but there is always a surprised and confused expression on someones face when I tell them, "yes I run three or four miles a day and I love it!" By then they just start thinking I'm crazy. The truth is I hated running a couple of years ago but now it's essential. Running doesn't just  help my body do what it needs to do and stay healthy, it makes me feel good too. On days like today when I'm really missing Anthony or I'm stressed out about starting school, all I can think about is getting on the treadmill for a good run!! When you run "Feel-good" hormones are released in your body. Your mood is instantly heightened and you feel satisfied and happy with yourself. I'm not saying running is easy, it never is, but that's why I like it. It allows me to push myself. I tried the whole speed-walk-on-incline-thing and I hated it because running makes me feel powerful and I can get it over with faster. When I run I can think more clearly and it's the perfect way to release stress. After my runs I feel like a completely new person! I'm also a huge fan of strength training so I love doing push-ups and core workouts. If someone told me 16 months ago that I would be running 4 miles a day with strength training, I would've said they were insane!!! Now its the other way around. Running is in my blood so I should've known it would pop up sooner or later, but I would've never expected myself to love it and need it this much! So why do I run?? I run because for 40 minutes a day, all I have to think about is the steady rhythm of my feet and feel my breath as it goes in and out. I run because it makes me feel strong and powerful. I run because I have to. I run because I love it. I run because I decided to make the jump.

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