Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Second Semester of College!!!

It has been a while since I last posted, my life has just been so crazy since I started my second semester at BYU-Idaho!!! With each day that passes I am smothered with homework, studying, and things that are required of me to accomplish. Yes, its stressful but I have enjoyed every minute of it. Through all of the hustle and bustle of getting things done I have felt peace and happiness in knowing that I am learning so much. I have learned more about myself and my savior more on this campus than I have in my entire life.

Every day is the same but so different. I wake up at 6 in the morning, say my prayers, get ready, eat breakfast and make the 15 minute drive from home up to the college. I wake up exhausted but am comforted each morning with the knowledge that today will be a good day and I will get through it with a smile on my face no matter what comes my way or how much homework I have to get done. I have also been singing a little bit on the side so its been so much fun to have that experience and to be able to share my love for music with the people that I love. Oh and I almost forgot! Something else amazing happened over these past couple of weeks..(Drum roll please).......I TURNED 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My birthday was perfect. I got the most beautiful letter from Anthony that had me tearing up the whole time reading it and my mom made me her homemade peach cobbler with homemade cheesy potato soup and corn bread which happens to me three of my most favorite things that she cooks(She should own her own restaurant)

My favorite aspect of Campus here is that the spirit is always so strong and you learn something new every day!
One of my classes has been focusing on "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" workbook and I have loved every second of it. I've learned that most of the time when I'm stressed is because I'm worried about things that are not in my circle of influence. We have a circle of influence and concern. Now you might not care about this, I just thought it was way cool!!

I've learned that each time we do something proactive like thinking before we react or choosing to not let things out of our control, control us and our feelings that our circle of influence gets bigger and over time our circle of concern dwindles. Our circle of influence is everything that we have influence over such as our choices, our attitude, how we react, how we decide to feel, how we choose to treat others...everything that includes our action and agency. It dawned on me that I have been in my circle of concern too much by being worried about things I can't do anything about or by letting things out of my control effect me negatively. By doing this my circle of influence has shrunk and my circle of concern has gotten bigger.

When I realized this I began to notice each day the small things I was doing that were reactive instead of proactive like how I talked about having so much homework or saying "I HAVE to workout" instead of "I CHOOSE to workout." See how much positive the second one sounds?? Any ways that little piece of knowledge that I gained from that class has helped me tremendously...it has literally helped me change the world around me and how I feel about the world. I have made it a goal that no matter what I would react in a positive way and I would CHOOSE to be happy despite the things going on around me. When I realized that was all up to me I knew that not only could I do it but that it was my responsibility to myself to do it so that I could be happier and become closer to Christ. This experience has also made me pay more attention in all of my classes because you never know what you will learn or what the teacher will say that day that might just help in the shaping of who you are.

Amongst everything exciting that I have going on there is something else that I have literally had to try so hard to not distract me....ANTHONY GETS HOME IN 5 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? It honestly feels like just yesterday when I was blogging about him leaving and being excited for this journey to start, but in reality it is just beginning and the love of my life is coming home! Just thinking about it makes me want to cry and jump for joy because I am so excited to have him in my arms again. Today I got an email from him and we are both very excited to Skype on mothers day and have decided to give most of the time to his family and make it so we talk very last. Right now the family is more important and we will see each other so soon that how much time we get to Skype doesn't matter. But I honestly cannot wait to hear that sweet voice of his...It calms me in a way that is really hard to explain. Its like he talks and every bit of weight and worry is lifted off my shoulders. I am just so excited! Everything is happening so fast and I am extremely  busy but even though everything is so hectic I AM SO HAPPY and I feel SO BLESSED to be where I am today. I wouldn't trade it for the world even though I have so much homework and never get enough sleep. Each moment is so beautiful and I cherish every stressful, happy, busy, exciting, special minute of it.


  1. Wow. Reading this post really makes me want to go to BYU-I. Okay, maybe not, but it was very inspirational. Thanks for sharing your knowledge of acting vs. reacting. That is something that I've noticed helps me a ton in my life! I am generally a very positive person, but I'm also very dramatic, so the smallest things sometimes seem huge and overwhelming. So thanks for sharing! Can't wait for your Anthony to come home! What a joyous occasion! Mitch happens to come home at that same time, too! :)

  2. Choosing really does sound more positive than having to. Thanks for sharing this, means a ton. I CHOOSE to take that into my life.
