It is 3:00 in the morning and I should be sleeping but I can't get this off my mind.
Right now I'm itching...I'm literally turning inside out because I want to run so bad and it isn't just that. I feel like I've been holding myself back from my potential. I know that I could be working so much harder. I know that I could be running so much faster and longer than I am now...I know it. And right now I feel like every muscle in my body yearns for it...aches for it. I want to push myself harder than I ever have before, I want to go past my breaking point. I want to reach my goal and become as strong as I can. I want to tap into whatever it is that is inside me telling me I have so much more in me than I am letting myself believe. I want to stop whatever it is that is making me scared of reaching my potential and stopping me from being the best I can be. I don't know what it is but what I know is that from this moment at 3:13a.m. it doesn't have power over me anymore. From this moment I'm not holding myself back anymore. I'm not going to worry about failure because failure is the farthest thing from my mind...determination is the second closest and right in front of that is a will and dedication that no one wants to mess with.
Tomorrow I move home and a week from Sunday I start my second semester at BYU-Idaho. I'm flipping the switch....this is it, this is my time, and I'm going to do this. I don't just have to do this...I NEED to do this, I WANT to do this with every fiber in my being and I have no idea why it took me this long to figure it out...Nothing is stopping me from this, not even myself. I'm facing this short break and new semester with a fresh start and a whole new attitude...I am going to accomplish what I set my mind to and I will not fail. I'm making myself strong, I'm making myself confident, I'm making myself proud, I'm making myself fierce, I'm making myself courageous, I'm making myself UNSTOPPABLE.
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