Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Adventures of Kasey & Kai :-)

    So Today I woke up early this morning so I could get ready to go babysit two of the best kid's ever! I decided it would be fun to document my day with them and blog about it :)
So here is the picture I took before heading out the door-
It made me happy that they were so excited to see me when I walked in!
*~KASEY~* 10
**KAI** 6

First things were slow and they just wanted to watch T.V. It wasn't just any kind of regular kid show. Kasey and Kai were watching this guy catch GIANT anaconda snakes with his bare hands while walking in bat poop. While they were yelling "Cool!" I gritted my teeth. Surprisingly I made it through without screaming OR throwing up.
Afterwards, I told them that I had treats in my purse for them that they would get a little later. Natalie (Their mom) called about work and when I turned around Kai had my purse and found the M&M's. Before I knew it he was running away from me thinking it was the best thing ever while I chased him.
When he was captured, I gave them their little snack bags of M&M's. I thought they would eat know, like you usually do when your handed a bunch of M&M's, but they announced that they were going to make M&M art :)
I was pleasantly surprised when Kasey asked my favorite colors and started making my name too! :) It was really cute! A little while later while they were still making their art..I asked what kind of music they liked and what they didn't like and Kai mentioned hating someone and to my horror this was who it was.-
And my reaction was-
I have never met two kids as young as them that have that strong of an opinion about Justin Bieber! Especially a bad one haha
Our day commenced as we played "Shrek" operation which made me jump everytime I made the buzzer go off, Rodeopoly (rodeo version of Monopoly), and played outside. Kasey,who is very intelligent, and strong willed told me that once she filled up the kiddie pool, I was going to stick my feet in with we did just that!It was hillarious watching their dog (NOVA)playing in the Spongebob sprinkler-
 Soon we went inside and they got dried off :)After I made them lunch I got a call from Natalie and she was getting off work early so I left around 12:30 p.m. I love babysitting these kids so much!! Pretty soon I won't be able to watch them as often because I will be working somewhere else, but I told Natalie to call me Whenever her and Shane needed a date night and I would be there :)
I hope she does because I  love these kids with all of my heart and I miss them after a while! <3 Babysitting Kasey and Kai is like putting my hand in a jar and pulling out endless adventures, fun, and contagious laughter. Being able to be around these kids makes me so excited to have children of my own someday so we can have our own adventures together as a family :)
As for Kasey and Kai, they make me smile ear to ear and babysitting them has been less like a job and more like something I love to do...they are definetly worth getting up early for :)

1 comment:

  1. I just got back from babysitting the cutest 8-yr old down syndrome girl ever! It's tough, but it makes me love children so much! And I'm with you, I can't wait to have my own little kiddos to play with!
