Thursday, June 28, 2012


I couldn't help but think about him today...Just look at that handsome face :) Only one more year until I get to look into those beautiful green eyes of his! Just recently he sent me a mixed CD and the music was amazing and so uplifting :) It was a mix of songs they listen to over there in England, and I couldn't help but smile with each song that played. One of the songs made me cry (Even my mom)  because I knew he wanted me to hear it for a was like the song was talking about us and our journey :) The song is "The Call" by Regina Spektor..and here it is!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The 24hour "BLUE'S" is solved!

So I recently found a cure to the all-day "blues" some of us tend to get from time to time or all the time! If you have ever woken up feeling  sluggish and then usually feel like that for the rest of day, this is for you. I must warn you, its pretty ingenius ..........WORKOUT AND READ YOUR SCRIPTURES IN THE MORNING!!!! Here is the story of how I figured this out- So I woke up yesterday morning with the intentions of working out; I was finally going to try it because I was usually a late-night workout person and wanted to see if I would like it better. I have recently been struggling with having no energy, a lot of stress and then being in the "BLUE'S MOOD" all day for no reason. When I woke up yesterday, I had cereal for breakfast and had to wait for that to digest a little so I decided to say my prayers and read my scriptures for a while. Soon my mom was knocking on my door and said she wanted to workout with me so to the basement we went!! My workout consisted of 40minutes of cardio, and a max-out of core workouts and push-ups. Afterwards I took a shower and (since I wasn't going anywhere) put some sweats on for the day. As soon as I was done working out, the endorphins were already doing their job! That paired with a little scripture study I noticed was already making me feel happier and more energized. Throughout the day, I made sure to eat healthy. (lots of protien, water, and fruit) Fruits and veggies are what scientists call "HAPPY FOODS." They all reliese endorphins in the brain that make you happy as well as making you and your body feel good. As the day commenced I found myself with more energy than usual and I was in such a good mood!! I felt better and even looked better! My skin actually had a glow!! ( Cardio helps blood circulation throughout your body.) I didn't feel stressed and I seriously had a smile on my face all day that I couldn't wipe off because I was just so.....HAPPY.I immediantly felt a difference!This lasted until I went to bed :) and I'm planning to repeat this every day because it really made a difference in my mood, and how I felt inside and out! Starting with prayer and scriptures started me off on a positive note and the workout right after gave me the other half of the boost for the rest of my day that I had no idea I even needed!!! If you are experiencing any of the dilemma's I talked about at the beginning or you just want to get in shape and add a little "ZING" to your day, then I would recommend you try this because it works!! I'm already seeing a difference :-) Its also nice to have someone to workout with because they push you and you have more fun...  I'm never going back :) well I'm off to start!!!If you try this please let me know how it works for you. If you have any questions or need advice, you know where to find me :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A "Laugh until I cried" moment :)

So Today While my family was watching Lord of the Rings, I was on Pinterest. (Surprise, Surprise) I came across this....I was laughing so hard that I started crying and my whole family had to turn around to see if I was okay.. Its too funny to pass up!!

The Next part of our Journey!

Sunday was the 1 year Anniversary of the man of my dream's Journey in England and a big wake-up call for me! I looked back on this past year and could see how much I have grown and how much we have grown together, but I could also see the things that I needed to take this time to improve on...the things that I was allowing to hold me back before. The start of this second year apart is like a new beginning to me because I feel like I spent this last year without him trying to find myself  and trying to learn to function everyday and be happy without him. Being with him always made me feel beautiful, so I had to learn how to feel beautiful on my own. I have had to endure medical scares  and a sad diagnosis without him by my side to hold my hand. I had to learn to be strong without him by my side and I learned that I am stronger than I think and can handle more than I ever thought possible. I learned to have faith in myself and my decisions and stick to what I know is right even if many people have disagreed with and doubted my decision to wait for him or that it would even work. I learned that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of me; the only thing that matters is what I think of myself and my relationship with Heavenly Father. Over this past year Elder Humphries and I have been so blessed and have been able to grow and learn together in the ways we were meant to. We have been able to grow together as well as grow individually without eachother to lean on every day when something go's wrong. We have learned more about eachother in this past year than we did in 2 years of dating before he left and our testimonies have grown. We support eachother and fall more in love with every letter and every email :) We understand what this time is for and what is expected of us and we're going to do more than that...We are working hard. Even though he is on a mission, I am also on a mission here and that won't ever change :) I am so thankful for this unbelievable journey and so blessed with what I have learned on my own and with the love of my life. I am so excited to keep learning and growing! Now that I know what was holding me back before...nothing can hold me back now and those who doubt us will soon know that they were wrong from the beginning. We are all given specific trials and journeys that are meant to shape and mold us into brighter versions of ourselves  throughout our lives...right now, this is my journey and it's just the beginning! :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

The slowest day of my existance.

You know your going to have the most boring day of your entire life when your only excited for one thing and that thing happens to start at 6pm which is 3 hours and 38 minutes away!!! Tonight I am going to go see brave with 3 of my best friends minus one because she moved to Utah, ***Sad Face*** but thats okay because she is happy, and if she's happy so am I. I tried to pass the time by doing chores, but the chores ended too quickly and I almost got attacked by an evil jumping spider while trying to suck it up with the vaccume...YUCK. I also debated going on a run which I'm still not sure about because I can't decide whether or not I want to spend the next 3 hours and now 34 minutes on Pinterest :-) Yes I know..I have an unhealthy addiction that I would rather not address at this particular moment and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone...but hey. At least I'm not addicted to Grahmcrackers with peanut butter........wait. Yep. I'm addicted to that too. I wonder if theres a medical diagnosis for a Grahmcrackers and peanut butter addiction?? Or Pinterest addiction?? Or maybe even a Sour Patch Kid addiction?? yeah, I'm pretty sure I have that too. So here we are with me rambling on and on because I'm trying to pass time that seems to move slower with each second! I am now going to pass more time by giving my pinterest addiction a little TLC :) I'll fill you in on how tonight goes!!!..that is....if it ever gets here.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

New Blog New Start!!!

It has been forever since I've used my blog so I decided to start over! My plan is to tell you the most exciting, embarassing, hillarious, and touching moments in my life as they come, to always uplift with my posts, let you into my life and make your day just a little bit brighter :) I must warn you...things can get kinda crazy in a big Italian family so buckle up! The journey starts now.